252 Governance and Education
There are strengths and weaknesses in indigenous farmer knowledge as observed
among Honduran farmers (Bentley, 1989), and farmers’ beliefs in pests and their
perceptions of the potential damage and losses are examples of such weaknesses.
Rice farmers in Asia generally overestimate losses due to highly visible pest dam-
age, such as the rice leaf folder (Heong et al, 1994) and stem borers (Lazaro et al,
1993). In Honduras, Bentley (1989) found that farmers were worried about Dia-
brotica beetles, which are large and colourful but not important pests. In insecti-
cide use, farmers’ perceived benefits seem to be much higher than the actual
benefits. Since perceptions, rather than the economic rational, determine the deci-
sions of farmers, changing these perceptions may reduce the perceived benefits and
Table 12.9 Comparison of responses to belief statements by farmer field school (FFS)
trained and untrained farmers in Tan Tru and Tan Thanh districts, Long An province
Percentage of farmers who agreed to the
FFS trained
farmers Chi-square
Applying insecticides will increase yields 28.6 38.0 5.33
Insecticides will harm natural enemies 89.2 87.0 0.38
Killing natural enemies can cause more
pest problems 40.2 34.6 2.14
Spraying insecticides can harm human
health 97.3 96.4 0.69
Spraying insecticides contaminates the
environment 63.4 63.5 0.34
Applying insecticides in the first 40 DAS is a
waste 85.7 79.9 2.15
Applying insecticides in the first 40 DAS can
cause more pests 69.6 71.3 0.49
Leaf folders in the first 40 DAS can cause
severe damage 21.4 29.1 2.49
Leaf folders in the first 40 DAS will cause
yield loss 21.4 27.8 1.79
Spraying in the first 40 DAS for leaf folder
control is necessary 25.0 32.9 2.96
Spraying insecticides for leaf folders has to
be done early in the season 17.1 23.1 5.95
Rice crops can recover from early season
damage by pests 92.0 85.2 4.77
Note: Critical values of chi-squared at d.f. = 2, P = 0.05, 5.99 and P = 0.01, 9.21.