Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Ways Forward? Technical Choices, Intervention Strategies and Policy Options 391


1 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to review these in detail, but many other studies provide
useful overviews. For example, Bumb and Baanante (1996) and Larson (1993) on fertilizer use;
Lal (1984) on soil conservation; Greenland and Nye (1959) on fallows; Vogel (1994) on tillage;
Mugwira and Murwira (1997) on animal manures; Giller and Cadisch (1995) on nitrogen fixa-
tion and Jones et al (1997) on legume residue use.
2 For example in Zimbabwe, 10 tons of manure per hectare every three years is the standard recom-
3 See Defoer and Budelman (2000) for a set of practical guidelines about how to develop an inte-
grated soil-fertility management approach at farm level over a series of cropping seasons.


Bishop, J and Allen, J (1989) ‘The economics of soil degradation’, Discussion Paper 95–02, Environ-
mental Economics Programme, IIED, London
Breman, H and Sissoko, K (1998) L’Intensification Agricole au Sabel, Karthala, Paris
Bumb, B L and Baanante, C A (1996) The Role of Fertilizers in Sustaining Food Security and Protecting
the Environment: Trends to 2020, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC
Carney, D (1998) ‘Implementing the sustainable rural livelihoods approach’, in D Carney (ed), Sus-
tainable Rural Livelihoods: What Contribution Can We Make? DFID, London
Carswell, G, Data, D, De Haan, A, Alemayehu Konde, Haileyesus Seba and Sinclair, A, (2000) ‘Ethi-
opia Country Report’ IDS Research Report, Brighton, IDS
Croppenstedt, A, Demeke, M and Meschi, M (1998) Technology Adoption in the Presence of Constraints,
the Case of Fertiliser Demand in Ethiopia, paper prepared for the Ethiopia-Eritrea network meet-
ing, June 1998, University of East Anglia, Norwich
de Groote, H, Kebé, D and Hilhorst, T (1995) ‘Report from the seminar on rural financial systems in
southern Mali’, Sikasso, 3–5 May, 1995
Defoer, T and Budelman, A (eds) (2000) Managing Soil Fertility, A Resource Guide for Participatory
Learning and Action Research, KIT Publications, Amsterdam
Dessalegn, R (1994) ‘The unquiet countryside, the collapse of “socialism” and rural agitation, 1990
and 1991’, pp242–279, in Abebe Zegeye and S Pausewang (eds), Ethiopia in Change: Peasantry,
Nationalism and Democracy, British Academic Press, London
FSRU (1998) ‘Economic structural adjustment and communal area agriculture, case studies or the
effects of policy changes on farmers’ management of soil fertility in Mangwende and Chivi com-
munal areas, Zimbabwe’, pp446–486, in C Toulmin and I Scoones (eds), Dynamics of Soil Fertility
Management in Savanna Africa, Final report to EU, IIED, London
Giller, K E and Cadisch, G (1995) ‘Future benefits from biologial nitrogen fixation: an ecological
approach to agriculture’, Plant Soil, vol 174, pp255–277
Giraudy, F and Niang, M, (1996) Impact de la devaluation sur les systemes de production et les revenues
paysans en zone Mali-Sud, CMDT, Bamako
Government of Burkina Faso (1999) Strategie nationale et plan d’action de gestion integree de la fertilite
des sols, Ministere de l’Agriculture, Ouagadougou
Hagmann, J, Chuma, E, Connolly, M and Murwira, K (1998) ‘Client-driven change and institutional
reform in agricultural extension: an action learning experience from Zimbabwe’, AgREN, no 79,
ODI, London
Hijkoop, J, van der Poel, P and Kaya, B (1991) Une Lutte de Longue Haleine; Aménagements Anti-Erosifs
et Gestion de Terroir, KIT, Amsterdam

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