Table 20.2
Meadows et al (1972)
Mesarovic and Pestel (1974)
Kahn, Brown and Martel (1976)
Goldsmith et al (1972)
Herrera et al (1976)
Leontief, Carter and Petri (1977)
Clark and Munn (1986)
Economic system and exchange
No-growth; services; human needs; planning implied; resource efficiency; balance of consumption/population; surplus for arts and leisure
Organic model; cooperation; planning implied; restrained growth in North
Growth for South to catch up; North model as universal; tech-nology, institutional, morale as key; eventual slowing of demand
Steady state; stock not flow resource efficiency; minimal disruption; local control; small scale; correspon-dence of economic/real costs/values
Scarcity = technopolity; human needs; socialist redistribution; social determi-nation of needs; planning; eventual slowing of growth; growth not answer
Develop under-used resources; NIEO
c to close
North–South gap; self-reliance; pollution abatement
Decelerating growth
More of the same
Steady state; intragenera-tional welfare; durability; high-tech, high design; resource efficiency; conserva-tion; labour-intensive; generaliza-tion
Not cause or solution; useful technofaith as diversion; shape by social need/priority
Not cause or solution; useful; restrain by social concerns
Good to control nature; main human resource; Faustian bargain
Incompatible with stability; anti-ecological – simplifies complexity; hubris; increases vulnerability; should serve decentraliza-tion
Avert scarcity; prevent pollution; social control; progress essential
Narrow North–South gap; expand resource exploitation; pollution abatement
Solution available but politically constrained
Brings environ-mental changes, good and bad
Decentra-lized; soft-path renewables