Table 20.2
Meadows et al (1972)
Mesarovic and Pestel (1974)
Kahn, Brown and Martel (1976)
Goldsmith et al (1972)
Herrera et al (1976)
Leontief, Carter and Petri (1977)
Clark and Munn (1986)
Art and leisure; leisure time essential for higher pursuits
Standard of living, not just material; less materialism; conservation ethic; social, moral, organiza-tional, scientific growth
Useless work; hedonism; gaming, art, education, ritual, social interaction; secular with romantic, mystic counter-reac-tion
Personalized; intimate; self-reliance; pleasure of community; non-material-istic; reinte-grated work/home
Not based on consumerism; rich to reduce consumption
Lower Northern consumption; higher Southern consumption
Not addressed
Not addressed
Non-materialistic; simple, frugal; personal/social develop-ment; integrate home/work; telecommut-ing and bicycles; rich/poor conver-gence
Spatial linkages
Not discussed
Diverse regions; inter-regional cooperation; diversity key to survival, and to moral strength
Homogeneity – ‘they’ become like ‘us’; modern-ism; links impersonal, business-like; urban/suburban globe; huge economic scale
Decentralized but linked; small scale; diverse rural/urban mix; material self-sufficiency
Autarchy; North–South intercon-nected; economic complementa-rity
15 political/economic regions; regional interaction; international trade
Food, energy imports; use distant resources; unaware of environmen-tal impacts
Region-to-globe links; global noosphere
Reversed global interdepen-dencies; local self-reliance; population rural and dispersed; decentral-ized