278 Agricultural Revolutions and Change
In the County Report for Norfolk, Young records the seed-sowing practices of 44
farmers by name; of whom 21 just drilled, one just broadcast, two just dibbled,
and 20 were experimenting with combinations of the three (Young, 1804). The
results of experiments varied according to local conditions and crops: for some
broadcast was better, whereas for others drilling was best (Table 12.4). Mr Over-
man of Burnham Deepdale conducted his first drilling experiments with peas in
1790; then in the next year he compared the three techniques; finding the drill to
yield 25 per cent more he then drilled all his peas and tried wheat for the first time
in the third year (Young, 1804, 1793b). But drilling of barley and oats was not so
successful: he tried, stopped, and then tried again.
Farmers also finely tuned each sowing technique. Biddell conducted an experi-
ment to ascertain whether holes should be dibbled ‘thick and seeds dropped thin,
or holes thin and seeds dropped thick’ (Biddell, 1812–16). As a diagram in his
work book indicates more holes, each with fewer seeds, was the most productive
treatment (Figure 12.2). And a Mr Harper ascertained the comparative benefits of
the different sowing methods, including attendant weeding and other labour costs,
by splitting a 4.5-hectare field into 8 strips, and conducting a different treatment
for each (Figure 12.3).
Experiments with livestock breeding and management
At the same time as these new crops, rotation patterns and methods of sowing were
increasing the production of on-farm forage, farmers also experimented with live-
stock breeding to produce animals capable of more efficient conversion of feed.
Robert Bakewell, though not the first selective breeder, was the first to apply pre-
cise methods to produce early maturing meat-producing animals that would trans-
mit these properties to offspring with certainty (Pawson, 1957). He aimed to ‘fix
the type’ by establishing in his mind a clear picture of the desired animal. By in-
breeding, selective culling, careful analysis of food consumption, conversion rates
and carcass properties, he developed new breeds of cattle, sheep, pigs and horses.
Selecting one or two traits he was able to make great advances, getting beasts to put
on weight ‘in roasting places, and not boiling places’ (Pawson, 1957). But there
were trade-offs: his cattle had long horns, and the sheep produced little milk and
Table 12.4 Results of experiments conducted on the farms of Thomas Coke of
Holkham and Rev. Dr Hinton of Northwold, Norfolk, 1790s
Yield (kg/ha)
Drilled Broadcast
Wheat (at Northwold) 2995 2620
Barley (at Holkham) 2360 2500
Source: Young, 1804