Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

306 Agricultural Revolutions and Change

3 N Alexandratos (ed.), 1995. World Agriculture: Towards 2010, An FAO Study, Chichester (UK),
Wiley & Sons
4 C T de Wit, H H van Laar and H van Keulen, 1979. Physiological potential of food production,
in J Sneep and A J T Henrickson (eds), Plant Breeding Perspectives, Wageningen (Netherlands),
Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation (Publ. No. 118, PUDOC), pp47–82;
D L Plucknett, 1993, Science and Agricultural Transformation, Washington DC, International
Food Policy Research Institute (Lecture Series)
5 Y Ishizuka, 1969. Engineering for higher yields, in J D Eastin, F A Haskins, C Y Sullivan and
C H M van Bavel (eds.), Physiological Aspects of Crop Yield, Madison, W, American Society of
Agronomy and Crop Science Society of America, pp15–26; Grigg, op. cit.
6 R F Chandler, 1982. An Adventure in Applied Science: A History of the International Rice Research
Institute, Los Banos (Philippines), International Rice Research Institute
7 E C Stakman, R Bradfield and P C Mangelsdorf, 1967. Campaigns against Hunger, Cambridge,
MA, Harvard University Press; C de Alcantara Hewitt, 1976. Modernizing Mexican Agriculture:
Socioeconomic Implications of Technological Change, 1940–1970, Geneva (Switzerland), UNRISD
(Report No. 76.5)
8 W J Lawrence, 1968. Plant Breeding, London, Edward Arnold (Studies in Biology No. 12)
9 Stakman et al., op. cit.
10 ibid.
11 Hanson et al., op. cit.
12 ibid.
13 R Barker, R W Herdt and B Rose, 1985. The Rice Economy of Asia, Washington DC, Resources
for the Future
14 W C Baum, 1986. Partners against Hunger: The Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research, Washington DC, World Bank
15 Chandler, op. cit.
16 Barker et al., op. cit.
17 L Brown, 1970. Seeds of Change, New York, NY, Praeger
18 ibid.
19 I Hauri, 1974. Le Projet Céréalier en Tunisie: Études aux Niveaux National et Local, Geneva (Swit-
zerland), United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (Report No. 74.4)
20 Brown, op. cit.
21 Grigg, op. cit.
22 Plucknett, op. cit.
23 ibid.
24 Grigg, op. cit.
25 ibid.
26 D Dalrymple, 1986. Development and Spread of High Yielding Wheat Varieties in Developing Coun-
tries, Washington DC, United States Agency for International Development; 1986. Development
and Spread of High Yielding Rice Varieties in Developing Countries, Washington DC, United States
Agency for International Development
27 Hanson et al., op. cit.
28 ibid.
29 A Pearse, 1980. Seeds of Plenty, Seeds of Want: Social and Economic Implications of the Green Revolu-
tion, Oxford, Clarendon Press; G T Castillo, 1975. All in a Grain of Rice, Laguna (Philippines),
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture
30 Barker et al., op. cit.
31 R Chambers, 1988. Managing Canal Irrigation: Practical Analysis from South Asia, New Delhi
(India), Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.
32 R F Smith, 1972. The impact of the Green Revolution on plant protection in tropical and sub-
tropical areas, Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America, 18, 7–14

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