Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

312 Agricultural Revolutions and Change

J. P. Morgan, the financier, helped to raise $2 million from the public. The Mon-
tana Farming Corporation was a monster wheat farm of 95,000 acres, much of it
leased from four Native American tribes. Despite the private investment, the enter-
prise would never have gotten off the ground without help and subsidies from the
Department of Interior and the USDA.
Proclaiming that farming was about 90 per cent engineering and only 10 per
cent agriculture, Campbell set about standardizing as much of his operation as
possible. He grew wheat and flax, two hardy crops that needed little if any atten-
tion between planting and harvest time.^19 The land he farmed was the agricultural
equivalent of the bulldozed site of Brasília. It was virgin soil, with a natural fertility
that would eliminate the need for fertilizer. The topography also vastly simplified
matters: it was flat, with no forests, creeks, rocks or ridges that would impede the
smooth course of machinery over its surface. In other words, the selection of the
simplest, most standardized crops and the leasing of something very close to a
blank agricultural space were calculated to favour the application of industrial
methods. In the first year Campbell bought 33 tractors, 40 binders, 10 threshing
machines, 4 combines and 100 wagons; he employed about 50 men most of the
year, but hired as many as 200 during the peak season.^20
This is not the place to chronicle the fortunes of the Montana Farming Cor-
poration, and in any event Deborah Fitzgerald has done so splendidly.^21 Suffice it
to note that a drought in the second year and the elimination of government sup-
port for prices the following year led to a collapse that cost J. P. Morgan $1 million.
The Campbell farm faced other problems besides weather and prices: soil differ-
ences, labour turnover, the difficulty of finding skilled, resourceful workers who
would need little supervision. Although the corporation struggled on until Camp-
bell’s death in 1966, it provided no evidence that industrial farms were superior to
family farms in efficiency and profitability. The advantages industrial farms did
have over smaller producers were of another kind. Their very size gave them an
edge in access to credit, political influence (relevant to taxes, support payments
and the avoidance of foreclosure) and marketing muscle. What they gave away in
agility and quality labour they often made up for in their considerable political and
economic clout.
Many large industrial farms managed along scientific lines were established in
the 1920s and 1930s.^22 Some of them were the stepchildren of depression foreclos-
ures that left banks and insurance companies holding many farms they could not
sell. Such ‘chain farms’, consisting of as many as 600 farmsteads organized into one
integrated operation (one farm to farrow pigs, say, and another to feed them out,
along the lines of contemporary ‘contract farming’ for poultry), were quite com-
mon, and buying into them was a speculative investment.^23 They proved no more
competitive to the family farm than did Campbell’s corporation. In fact, they were
so highly capitalized that they were vulnerable to unfavourable credit markets and
lower farm gate prices, given their high fixed costs in payroll and interest. The fam-
ily farm could, by contrast, more easily tighten its belt and move into a subsistence

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