Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn 351

mapping procedure developed by Carpenter et al (1993) was used to generate the
map shown in Figure 15.3 of matching climate surface values for each of 108 sam-
ple locations in ASB’s benchmark sites in Brazil, Indonesia and Cameroon. The
various similarity classes indicate the degree to which the ASB sites can be extrapo-
lated over a global surface using the same climate variables.
Initial ASB research was concentrated in the Brazil, Cameroon and Indonesian
benchmark sites, and these three thus serve as the focus for this chapter, although
much progress has also been made in Thailand and Peru.

Research Themes and Methods

The ASB integrates a range of geographic sites, spatial and temporal scales, disci-
plines, and partner institutions. To implement the various steps of the interdisci-
plinary INRM research framework at the various sites demanded a minimum,
common research approach for making cross-site comparisons. Standardized
methods were developed for identifying problems and characterizing sites (Figure
15.2, step 1), quantifying the environmental, agronomic and socioeconomic
parameters of the different land-use alternatives (steps 2 and 3), assessing the eco-
nomic and environmental trade-offs (step 4), and researching and implementing
policies (step 5). The various methods are described in detail in this section.

Note: The DOMAIN similarity values are based on elevation, potential evapotranspiration, total
annual precipitation, precipitation in the driest month, precipitation range, minimum average
monthly temperature and maximum average monthly temperature.
Source: Gillison, 2000

Figure 15.3 Map indicating the location and global environmental representativeness
of the ASB sites in western Amazon, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Cameroon
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