Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn 361
Table 15.3
ASB matrix comparing the environmental, agronomic, socioeconomic and policy aspects of the alternative land-use systems
Meta–Land- use systems
Global environmental
Agronomic sustainability
Smallholders’ socioeconomic
Policy and institutional issues
Carbon sequestration (above-ground time-averaged; Mt/ha)
Biodiversity (above-ground plant species per plot)
Plot-level production sustainability (overall rating)
Potential profitability (returns to land, US$/ha)
Employment (average labour input; d/ha/yr)
Production incentives at private prices (returns to labour; US$/d)
ForestsComplex agroforestsSimple agroforests;
intensive tree crops
Crop–fallow rotationsContinuous annual cropsGrasslands, pasturesSource
: Modified from ASB (1996)