xl Sustainable Agriculture and Food
and increases in carbon sinks in order to address the global challenge of anthropo-
genic interference with the climate system. It is clear that both emission reductions
and sink growth will be necessary for mitigation of current climate change trends
(Watson et al, 2000; IPCC, 2001, 2007; Royal Society, 2001; Swingland, 2003;
Oelbermann et al, 2004). A source is any process or activity that releases a green-
house gas, or aerosol or a precursor of a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere,
whereas a sink is a mechanism that removes these from the atmosphere. Carbon
sequestration is defined as the capture and secure storage of carbon that would
otherwise be emitted to or remain in the atmosphere. Agricultural systems emit
carbon through the direct use of fossil fuels in food production, the indirect use of
embodied energy in inputs that are energy-intensive to manufacture, and the cul-
tivation of soils and/or soil erosion resulting in the loss of soil organic matter.
Agriculture also contributes to climate change through emissions of methane from
irrigated rice systems and ruminant livestock. The direct effects of land use and
land use change (including forest loss) have led to a net emission of 1.7Gt C yr–1
in the 1980s and 1.6Gt C yr–1 in the 1990s (Watson et al, 2000; Bellamy et al,
On the other hand, agriculture can also be an accumulator of carbon when
organic matter is accumulated in the soil, and when above-ground biomass acts
either as a permanent sink or is used as an energy source that substitutes for fossil
fuels and so avoids carbon emissions. There are three main mechanisms and 21
technical options (Table 4) through which positive actions can be taken by farmers
A increasing carbon sinks in soil organic matter and above-ground biomass;
B avoiding carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions from farms by
reducing direct and indirect energy use;
C increasing renewable energy production from biomass that either substitutes
for consumption of fossil fuels or replaces inefficient burning of fuelwood or
crop residues, and so avoids carbon emissions.
Social Outcomes in Developing Countries
At some locations, agroecological approaches have had a significant impact on
labour markets. Some practices result in increased on-farm demand for labour (e.g.
water harvesting in Niger), whilst others actually reduce labour demand (e.g. zero-
tillage in Brazil). Some result in the opening up of whole new seasons for agricul-
tural production, particularly in dryland contexts, through improved harvesting of
rainfall, leading to much greater demand for labour. Migration reversals can also
occur when wage labour opportunities increase as part of the project (e.g. water-
shed improvements), when more productive agriculture leads to higher wages and
employment, when there are higher returns to agriculture, and when there are