Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

388 Modern Agricultural Reforms

Table 16.2 Sustainable soil and water conservation highlights

Australia More than 2000 community groups involving one third of all Australian
farmers are now able to tackle local environmental problems that
cannot be solved within a single farm boundary; new forms of collective
action are emerging, with farmers trying to be visionary about the future
rather than victims of circumstance; these land-care groups are formally
linked to existing institutions, including national-level policy makers
Brazil A government programme, EPAGRI, in Santa Catarina has pioneered
the use of more than 60 species of green manures and cover crops
through its micro-watershed programme; some 38,000 farmers have
been reached, with yields more than doubling and farmers needing less
labour for weeding and ploughing

A government programme, Projet d’Aménagement de Terroirs et
Conservation de Ressources (PATECORE), working with farmers in 240
villages has so improved 10,000ha of unproductive drylands with
conservation measures that the average family’s food deficit of 645kg
year–1 at the beginning of the programme has been turned around to a
150kg surplus
Honduras Green manures and cover crops have so improved organic matter in
soils that crop yields have more than tripled for several thousand
India A wide range of non-government and government initiatives throughout
India have led to substantial benefits for local people. New linkages
between external agencies and local communities are resulting in the
recovery of barren lands, an average doubling of crop yields, increased
crop diversity, improved well-water availability, greater social cohesion,
alternative forms of credit management by local groups, and the
federation of local groups to ensure influence over higher-level
institutions and political interests. Notable successes are in Karnataka
(by MYRADA), Tamil Nadu (by The Society for People’s Education and
Economic Change with local government), Rajasthan (by Government
of Rajasthan), Uttar Pradesh (by Doon Valley Integrated Watershed
Management Programme), Gujarat (by Aga Khan Rural Support
Programme) and Maharashtra (by Indo-German Watershed
Development Programme)
Kenya The government is pioneering a participatory approach to soil and water
conservation; with the mobilization of communities, some 100,000 farms
are now conserved each year, on which there have also been increases
in food production, diversification into new enterprises, reduction in
resource degradation, and increases in labour demand and land prices
and Malawi

The innovative rural action learning areas initiative is building upon the
best practices of farmers and linking them to research and extension
organizations; new forms of collaboration are emerging between
institutions throughout southern Africa, with a particular focus on
learning loops to improve performance
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