Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

524 Sustainable Agriculture and Food

ancient China 214–15, 217
eco-agriculture models 448–9
etymology 405
hunter-gatherers 30–2, 37–8
Innu diets 112–14
Fitzgerald, Deborah 312, 313–14
flood control 169–70
Flora (Roman god) 202
flowers 201
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 161–3
food aid providers 494, 495–6
food crop–fallow systems 354, 356–7
see also rotation of crops
food policies 125–6
see also policies
food production see productivity
food relief providers 494, 495–6
foodshed thinking 512–13
foragers 41–72
see also hunter-gatherers
Ford Foundation 296
forests 162, 209–10, 339–71, 453–73
see also afforestation; trees
fortress construction 177–8, 183–4
‘forty centuries’ farmers 222–9
forums 363–4
Four Course rotation pattern 275
Fowler, Catherine 64
Frankel, Sir Otto 163
French wars, 1793–1813 244, 250
Frere, John 51
Friedland, William 508
Friedmann, Harriet 513–14
fruit 201, 332, 424, 426, 448–9
see also individual fruits
functional analysis 358–9
functional participation 395
fundraising 470
see also economics

gardens 212, 271, 405, 423–31, 440, 513–14
gathering 29, 31
see also hunter-gatherers
GE see genetic engineering
gender issues 48, 54
see also women
‘gene centres’ see ‘centres of diversity’
generational biotechnology 475–6
genetic diversity 6, 159–60, 164, 166
genetic engineering (GE) 477, 484–7, 496
genetic manipulation 416–17
genetic modification (GM) 13, 478–83, 488–96,
genetic resources 159–67, 277, 279, 403–4, 475
genetic variability 159
geographical factors 142–3, 234–5
The George beer parlour 81–2
germ plasm 163, 164
‘get-along-but-don’t-go-along’ approach 501–3,
‘giving’ environment 46

global organizations 349, 363–4
global trends, GM foods 483
globalization 140–1, 512
GM see genetic modification
gods (Roman) 202–3
government extension agencies 268
government interventions 1, 302–3
government management of agriculture 173, 181,
government support/incentives 219–20
Gowdy, John 64
graded bunds 384
grain crops
Green Revolution 301–2
open-field farming 238–9, 241–3, 250–1
Russian collectivization 318–20, 321–2, 329,
see also individual grain crops
grammar use 87–8, 90
Grand Shandu Eco-village System (GSES) 433–8
grapes 201
grasslands 243–6, 250–2, 274–5, 354, 357, 458–9
Great Wall of China 178, 181
Greek agriculture 175, 178, 184, 186
Green Revolution 9–10, 12, 290–307, 403–4
Greenland 125
group-based conservation programmes 393–4
GSES see Grand Shandu Eco-village System
Guenther, Mathias 65
Gujarat 381, 392–3
gully fields 390
Haiti 382
Hampshire Custom system 279–80
Han Dynasty, China 211, 213
Handbook of North American Indians 55
handtool experiments 282
hard-wired language faculty 87–9
Harlan, Jack R. 6, 159–67
harmonization of policies 497
HAS see Highland and Agriculture Society
health benefits of hunting lifestyle 107–35
health problems 116–18, 120, 511
heart disease 117, 120
heavy water works/industry 172–3
hedgerows 382
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 77–8
Hendrickson, John 511–12
Henriksen, G. 121–2
herders 96
high modernism 308–10, 313, 315, 317, 321–32
Highland and Agriculture Society (HAS) 266–7
highways see roads
hill farming 204–5
Hill, Forrest 296
Hitchcock, Robert 62, 66
Hobbes, Thomas 42, 78
holistic approach to language 148, 151, 153
homestead gardens 423–31, 440
Homo erectus 86
Homo sapiens 87
Honduras 388, 391–2
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