Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 525

horticulture 405
see also gardens
household units 218–19, 359–60, 423–31
Huang-Huai-Hai plain region, China 451–2
human–environment coevolution 142–4
human potential for diversity 149
human rights 66
humid tropics see tropical regions
hunger in United States 510–11
Hunter, Thomas 73–5
hunter-gatherers 3–4, 6, 17–39, 41–72, 95–100
conferences 56–7
dichotomies 91–7
divergences 48–9
historical significance 49–50, 59
land claims 79–81
language 89–90, 96, 99–100
nature relationship 84
research developments 55–6
samples 30–1, 34–5
Spanish colonialism 76–9
studies 50–5, 58–60
see also hunting
Hunter’s Support programme 125–6, 129
hunting 29, 31–3, 74, 107–35
see also hunter-gatherers
hybrid crops 292–3, 300, 301
hybrid production methods 417–18
hydraulic agriculture 6, 168–96
hydroagriculture 168, 169
hydroelectric generating projects 119
hydrological works 460

Iakovlev, A. 323
IFS see integrated farming systems
immediate-return societies 48, 55
impact assessments
ASB consortium 362–4
soil and water conservation 387–9
Imperata cylindrica grasslands 357
imported foods 509, 510
INAC see Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Incas 79
integrated farming system 219–20
participation for 395–6
technology adoption 269–70
Inclosure Acts 8–9
see also enclosure; parliamentary enclosures
independent biotechnology bodies 499
Green Revolution 296, 298–302, 305
hydraulic agriculture 169–70, 175, 178–80, 184
soil and water conservation 377, 380–1, 384,
388, 390
Indian Act 107
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
survey 116, 118
indigenist perspective 59–60
indigenous peoples
biological diversity 136–7, 151, 153
CHAGS conferences 57

human rights 66
land connections 110–11
languages at risk 137–41
soil and water conservation 389–90
tropical forests 343–4
see also hunter-gatherers; individual indigenous
indirect incentives 220
Indonesia 300, 302–3, 350–7, 363
industry/industrial society 42
20th century 233–4
activity transition 119–20
collectivization 321, 323, 329–30
heavy industry 172–3
hydraulic agriculture 185–7
nutrition transition 111, 116
pollution 118–19
Soviet-American farming 311–15
‘inextricable links’
cultural and biological diversity 137
language and environment 142–4
linguistic and biological diversity 151–3
information dissemination 491–2, 499–500
see also dissemination activities
Ingold, Tim 47, 58, 64
innovation 260–1, 267–70, 284, 305, 342, 391–3
see also experimentation
Innu people 4–5, 75–6, 107–35
see also Inuit people
inorganic fertilizers 413, 415
INRM see integrated natural resource
ASB consortium 348–9, 363
high modernism 308, 329–32
innovation 342
meaning in hydraulic construction 184–5
soil and water conservation 393–4
integrated farming systems (IFS) 423–74
China 12–13, 208–17
eco-counties 441–53
eco-villages 431–40
homestead gardens 423–31, 440
modern development 217–20
shelterbelt systems 453–73
integrated natural resource management (INRM)
348, 351–64
integrated pest management (IPM) 412–13
integration of hydraulic agriculture 171
intensification of agriculture 259, 274–5, 283–4,
342–4, 416
intensification pathways 342–4
intensive tree–crop systems 354, 356
interactive participation 395–6
intercropping systems 216, 218
international conservation programmes 161–3
international consortiums 340, 345–71
international cooperation 471
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 294,
International Society of Ethnobiology 151
interpersonal violence 48
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