Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

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Pretty J N and Ball A. 2001. Agricultural Influences on Emissions and Sequestration of Carbon and Emerg-
ing Trading Options. CES Occasional Paper 2001–03, University of Essex, Colchester
Pretty J N and Ward H. 2001. Social capital and the environment. World Development 29(2), 209–227
Pretty J N, Brett C, Gee D, Hine R, Mason C F, Morison J I L, Raven H, Rayment M and van der Bijl
G. 2000. An assessment of the total external costs of UK agriculture. Agricultural Systems 65(2),
Pretty J N, Brett C, Gee D, Hine R, Mason C, Morison J, Rayment M, van der Bijl G and Dobbs T.

  1. Policy challenges and priorities for internalising the externalities of modern agriculture.
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 44(2), 263–283
    Pretty J N, Mason C F, Newell D B and Hine R E. 2001. A Preliminary Assessment of the Environmen-
    tal Damage Costs of the Eutrophication of Fresh Waters in England and Wales. Report prepared for
    the Environment Agency, London
    Putnam R. 1995. Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital. Journal of Democracy 6(1), 65–78
    Rayement M, Bartram H and Curtoys J. 1998. Pesticide Taxes: A Discussion Paper. Royal Society for the
    Protection of Birds, Sandy, Beds
    Repetto R and Baliga S S. 1996. Pesticides and the Immune System: The Public Health Risks. WRI,
    Washington DC
    Ribaudo M O, Horan R D and Smith M E. 1999. Economics of Water Quality Protection from Nonpoint
    Sources: Theory and Practice. Agricultural Economic Report
    Rola A and Pingali P. 1993. Pesticides, Rice Productivity and Farmers – An Economic Assessment. IRRI,
    Manila and WRI, Washington DC
    Rosset P. 1997. Alternative agriculture and crisis in Cuba. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 16(2),
    Rosset P. 1998. Alternative agriculture works: The case of Cuba. Monthly Review 50(3), 137–146
    Scoones I. 1998. Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A Framework for Analysis. IDS Discussion Paper, 72,
    University of Sussex, Falmer
    Siriwardena G M, Ballie S R, Buckland G T, Fewster R M, Marchant J H and Wilson J D. 1998.
    Trends in the abundance of farmland birds: A quantitative comparison of smoothed Common
    Birds Census indices. Journal of Applied Ecology 35, 24–43
    Smith S and Piacentino D. 1996. Environmental Taxation and Fiscal Reform: Analysis of Implementation
    Issues. Final Report EV5V-CT894-0370, DGXI, Brussels
    Steiner R, McLaughlin L, Faeth P and Janke R. 1995. Incorporating externality costs in productivity
    measures: A case study using US agriculture. In Barbett V, Payne R and Steiner R (eds). Agricul-
    tural Sustainability: Environmental and Statistical Considerations. John Wiley, NY, 209–230
    Stewart L, Hanley N and Simpson I. 1997. Economic Valuation of the Agri-Environment Schemes in the
    UK. Report to HM Treasury and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Environmental
    Economics Group, University of Stirling, Stirling
    Swingland I, Bettelheim E, Grace J, Prance G and Saunders L (eds). 2002. Carbon, biodiversity, con-
    servation and income. Transactions of the Royal Society (Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engi-
    neering Sciences), in press
    Swiss Agency for Environment, Forests and Landscape. 1999. The Environment in Switzerland: Agri-
    culture, Forestry, Fisheries and Hunting.
    Swiss Agency for Environment, Forests and Landscape and Federal Office of Agriculture. 2000. Swiss
    Agriculture on Its Way to Sustainability. SAEFL and FOA, Basel
    Thrupp L A. 1996. Partnerships for Sustainable Agriculture. World Resources Institute, Washington
    Tilman D. 1998. The greening of the green revolution. Nature 396, 211–212
    Uphoff N. 1998. Understanding social capital: Learning from the analysis and experience of participa-
    tion. In Dasgupta P and Serageldin I (eds). Social Capital: A Multiperspective Approach. World
    Bank, Washington DC

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