Incidence of Acute Pesticide Poisoning Among Cotton Growers in India 101
acute poisoning, the women each interviewed one male family member (n = 47)
who had applied pesticides. Respondents were asked to fill in a form after every
potential pesticide exposure regardless of whether or not they had experienced an
adverse effect. Forms were filled in as a result of any of the following circum-
- spraying pesticides in the field;
- mixing chemical solution and refilling spray tanks;
- working in field sprayed within the same day.
Only the signs and symptoms that occurred during the working session or within
24 hours after exposure were recorded. At each FFS meeting the forms were
The reporting format was pictorial to facilitate participation among those who
were not literate (Figure 5.1). Facilitators provided the necessary assistance to
review the forms throughout the monitoring.
The form allows for the reporting of the following:
- a list of 18 signs and symptoms (S&S) of acute pesticide poisoning (see
Table 5.2);^3 - type of chemical products used;
- quantity of chemical products used (ml formulated product/Lt water);
- hours spent in performing the operation;
- hours extra-respite taken due to illness;
- number of sick days not worked as a consequence of the illness;
- use of medical treatments and home-made remedies;
- operation performed.
The following socioeconomic parameters were collected in separate interviews
from each respondent: Age, Gender, Formal education, Landholding, Profession
and Income level. A total of 97 farmers, 50 women and 47 men, participated in the
self-health monitoring (Table 5.1). All the women participating in the FFSs in the
Table 5.1 Distribution of respondents among the village
Women (respondents) Men (indirect reporting) Total
Darpalli 25 23 48
Sairedapalli 14 14 28
Srinagar 11 10 21
Total 50 47 97