Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

232 Communities and Social Capital


Beck, U. 1992. Risk Society. London: Sage
Benton, T. 1996. The Greening of Marx. New York: Guilford Press
Bookchin, M. 1989. Remaking Society. Montreal: Black Rose Books
Bookchin, M. 1995. Re-enchanting Humanity. London: Cassell
Collard, A. and Contrucci, J. 1988. Rape of the Wild. London: Women’s Press
Collins, P.H. 1990. Black Ecofeminist Thought. London: Unwin Hyman
Dalla Costa, M. and Dalla Costa, G., eds. 1995. Paying the Price. Women and the Politics of Interna-
tional Economic Strategies. London: Zed
Devall, B. and Sessions, G. 1985. Deep Ecology. Layton, UT: Peregrine Smith
Devall, B. 1990. Simple in Means, Rich in Ends. London: Green Print
Dickens, P. 1996. Reconstructing Nature. London: Routledge
Dobson, A. 1995. Green Political Thought. London: Routledge
Eckersley, R. 1992. Environmentalism and Political Theory. London: UCL Press
Fox, W. 1989. The Deep Ecology-Ecofeminism Debate and its Parallels. Environmental Ethics 11: 5–
Fox, W. 1990. Toward a Transpersonal Ecology. Boston: Shambhala
Gruen, L. 1994. Toward an Ecofeminist Moral Epistemology. In Ecological Feminism, K. Warren, ed.
London: Routledge
Gunn Allen, P. 1990. The Woman I Love is a Planet; The Planet I Love is a Tree. In Reweaving the
Wo rl d, I. Diamond & G.F. Orenstein, eds. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books
Haraway, D. 1991. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. London: Free Association Books
Harding, S. 1993. Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is Strong Objectivity? In Feminist Epis-
temologies, L. Alcoff and E. Potter, eds. London: Routledge
Hayward, T. 1994. Ecological Thought. Cambridge: Polity
Henderson, H. 1983. The Warp and the Weft: The Coming Synthesis of Eco-philosophy. In Re-claim
the Earth, L. Caldecott and S. Leland, eds. London: Women’s Press
Hofrichter, R., ed. 1993. Toxic Struggles. Philadelphia: New Society
King, Y. 1990. Healing the Wounds: Feminism, Ecology and Nature/Culture Dualism. In Reweaving
the World, I. Diamond and G.F. Orenstein, eds. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books
Lahar, S. 1991. Ecofeminist Theory and Grassroots Politics. Hypatia 6(1): 28–45
Lloyd, G. 1993. The Man of Reason: ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ in Western Philosophy. London: Routledge
Marx, K. 1844/1975. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. In Marx: Early Writings. Harmonds-
worth: Penguin
Mellor, M. 1992a. Breaking the Boundaries: Towards a Feminist Green Socialism. London: Virago
Mellor, M. 1992b. Ecofeminism and Ecosocialism: Dilemmas of Essentialism and Materialism. Capi-
talism, Nature, Socialism 32: 1–20
Mellor, M. 1992c. Green Politics: Ecofeminist, Ecofeminine or Ecomasculine? Environmental Politics
12: 229–251
Mellor, M. 1993. Building a New Vision: Feminist Green Socialism. In Toxic Struggles, R. Hofrichter,
ed. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers
Mellor, M. 1996. The Politics of Women and Nature: Affinity, Contingency or Material Relation?
Journal of Political Ideologies 12: 147–164
Mellor, M. 1997a. Women, Nature and the Social Construction of ‘Economic Man’. International
Journal of Ecological Economics 20: 129–140
Mellor, M. 1997b. Feminism and Ecology. Cambridge: Polity and New York University Press
Merchant C. 1990. Ecofeminism and Feminist Theory. In Reweaving the World, I. Diamond and
G.F. Orenstein, eds. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books
Merchant, C. 1992. Radical Ecology. London: Routledge

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