Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1


Social Connectedness in Marginal Rural

China: The Case of Farmer Innovation

Circles in Zhidan, North Shaanxi

Wu Bin and Jules Pretty


Despite remarkable recent achievements, rural poverty elimination still presents
significant challenges in China (Khan, 1998; Piazza and Liang, 1998; Yao, 2000;
World Bank, 2001). Poverty is particularly endemic in marginal areas character-
ized by problems of both poor asset stock (natural, physical and human capital)
and the scarcity of capital inflows (e.g. financial, technology, information and tal-
ent) (Shen et al, 1992; Zhu and Jiang, 1996; Jalan and Ravallion, 1997; Rahman
and Riskin, 1998; Rozelle et al, 1998; Yang, 2003). If there is to be a break-
through for rural development in these marginal areas, then agricultural innova-
tion is widely viewed as a necessary condition (CAS, 1991; Yao et al, 1996; Fan
and Pardey, 1997; Yonggong, 1998; Zhuge and Tisdell, 1999). Yet technological
innovation is constrained by the difficulties that formal agricultural extension finds
in reaching remote and inaccessible areas (Delmen, 1991; Shi, 2001; Wu, 2003).
This lack of communication and interaction between farmers and agricultural pro-
fessionals constrains the fit between supply of new technologies and the pressing
needs of the rural poor (Liu, 2000).
Hitherto, most attention has been paid to improvement of development assist-
ance and agricultural extension, rather than assessing the development potential of
marginal communities themselves. These are dynamic and diverse, with great
potential for innovation in both technologies and self-organization (Pretty, 2002;
Uphoff, 2002). This paper explores the implications of farmer innovation and
local self-organization for government and agricultural professionals. The focus is

Reprinted from Agriculture and Human Values 21, 2004, 81–92, Social connectedness in marginal
rural China: The case of farmer innovation circles in Zhidan, North Shaanxi, Wu B and Pretty J N.
Copyright © Springer Science and Business Media, 2004. With kind permission from Springer Sci-
ence and Business Media.

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