Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Ecological Design and Education 317

Sutton S. 2001. Reinventing professional privilege as inclusivity: A proposal for an enriched mission of
architecture, in Piotrowski A and Robinson J (eds). The Discipline of Architecture. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press
Tainter J. 1988. The Collapse of Complex Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Thompson D’A. 1942/1992. On Growth and Form. New York: Dover
Tsui E. 1999. Evolutionary Architecture: Nature as a Basis for Design. New York: John Wiley
Tuchman B A. 1984. The March of Folly. New York: Knopf
Tucker M E. 2003. Worldly Wonder. Chicago: Open Court
Van der Ryn S and Cowan S. 1996. Ecological Design. Washington: Island Press
Vitruvius 1960. The Ten Books of Architecture. New York: Dover
Vogel S. 1988. Life’s Devices. Princeton: Princeton University Press
Whitehead A N. 1967. The Aims of Education. New York: Free Press
Willis D. 1995. The Sand Dollar and the Slide Rule. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Wilson E O. 2002. The Future of Life. New York: Knopf
Wright F L. 1993. An Organic Architecture, in Pfeiffer B B (ed). Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings.
Volume three. New York: Rizzoli International Publications

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