Index 389
benefits..., see also positive externalities
Benyus, Janine 306
Berger, Hans 42
Berkes, F. 142, 148
Berry, Wendell 307, 381, 384–5
beyond-field diversification 324
biases in studies 105, 113
Bin Wu 8–9
biocontrol see biological pest control
biodiversity 6
agri-environmental indicators 74
agroecosystems 170
benefits hierarchy scale 324–9
costs 27–8
crisis 377–81, 383, 385–6
damage 58–9, 66–9
ecological restoration 9–10
enhancing 320–4
Midwest, USA 201, 204, 206, 208–11
monetary values 30
multi-functional 318–32
NRM programmes 254
organic farming 373
rice ecosystems 181
biological pest control 196, 320–4
biological soil system management 357–71
biological time 222–3, 231
biomass 169, 174, 357, 360, 366
biopesticides 41
see also biological pest control
birds 15, 68, 189, 209–10, 326–8
blast disease 185–6
Blevins, Audie 263, 265–6, 268–70
blue-baby syndrome 59
Blue Mound Development Corporation (BMDC)
body see embodiment
bonding social networks 239, 258–9
Bookchin, M. 224, 227
Bortoft, Henri 298
BPH see brown planthopper
Brazil 39, 360, 367
bridging organizations 151–2
bridging social networks 239, 258–9
Britain see United Kingdom
broadform mineral deed 346, 355
brown planthopper (BPH) 180, 184, 186, 190
buffalo 205
Butler Flora, Cornelia 10
CAFO see concentrated animal feedlot operations
Calderone, N.W. 67
California state
agricultural biodiversity 318
agroecosystems 172
biodiversity 208
Goldschmidt hypothesis 8, 263–4, 268, 270
industrialized agriculture 203
‘wild’ farming 375–7
calorific availability, Cuba 40–1
Cambodia 193–4, 196
Campylobacter 31, 32–3
cancer 71
CAP see Common Agricultural Policy
gender differences 248–50, 252
innovation 275–6, 278–81, 283
capital resources 123–4, 363–4
see also financial capital; human capital; natural
capital; social capital
capitalism 230
carbofuran 67, 84, 86
sequestration 35–7, 66, 328
soil system management 359
carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) 27, 65–6
Carchi, Ecuador 82–96
Carra, Roberto 377
Carson, Rachel 3, 15–21
catchment management 256, 260
cattle farming 380–1
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) 69–70
Central America 376
cereal crops 35–6, 129–30, 131–2
CH 4 see methane
Chambers, A.D. 154
effectiveness 346–9
generation in communities 333–56
interdependent systems 139–40, 143–9, 154–
knowledge-driven 370
see also adaptive governance; climate change;
paradigm change
cheap food 1–2, 3, 22–3, 75
chemicals 16–21, 60, 361
see also inorganic soil inputs; pesticides
Chicago Climate Exchange 66
Chicago community development 342
children using pesticides 98, 108, 113
China 8–9, 30, 39–40, 186, 274–90
Christenson, James 335
CIRAD soil system management 366
citizenship 308
Clark, E.H. 63–4, 65
class structures 264
see also Marxism
climate change 35–6, 65–6, 295, 363–4
climate factors 128
Clostridium 32
clothing 86, 193
see also personal protective equipment
cluster analyses 242, 245–6, 248–9
co-management of ecosystems 145, 146, 154–7
CO 2 see carbon dioxide
coaching programmes 338–40, 345
coastal resources 255
Colding, J. 148, 149
collaboration 237–9, 241–5, 249–50
Collard, Andree 219
collective action 7–8, 234–56, 257–62, 288
collective agency 335, 347, 351, 354–5
collective capacity of NRM groups 248–9