The Restaurant Store
far, we barely have our first schema version. So, just put a comment to that
effect in onUpgrade(), perhaps something like this:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
// no-op, since will not be called until 2nd schema
// version exists
In a production system, of course, we would want to make a temporary
table, copy our current data to it, fix up the real table's schema, then
migrate the data back.
Step #3: Remove Extraneous Code from LunchList..........................
With our menu and thread samples behind us, we can get rid of our option
menu and simplify the code. Get rid of the following items from your
implementation of LunchList:
- The isActive and progress data members
- The call to requestWindowFeature() in onCreate()
- The implementations of onPause(), onResume(),
onCreateOptionsMenu(), and onOptionsItemSelected() - The startWork() and doSomeLongWork() methods, along with the
longTask Runnable
Step #4: Get Access to the Helper......................................................
We will be using RestaurantHelper as our bridge to the database. Hence,
LunchList will need a RestaurantHelper, to retrieve existing restaurants and
add new ones.
In order to really use the database, though, we need to open and close
access to it from LunchList.
First, create a RestaurantHelper data member named helper.