Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1
Opening a JAR

Twitter object. You may need to "follow" some classmates for
everyone to have followers in their accounts to direct message.

  • Use the getStatus() method on Twitter to display the user's current
    status at the top of the activity when the activity is opened. Re-fetch

the status one second after submitting a status update, so the
current status shows's rendition of your status – a good
way to make sure the round-trip of status information is working as

you expect.

  • Store the password in an encrypted form in the user preferences, so

that if somebody hacked a user's phone and got the preference
store, they would still need the encryption key to find out the user's

account password.

Further Reading.........................................................................................

You can learn more about the rules for what third-party code will work with

Android in the "Leveraging Java Libraries" chapter of The Busy Coder's

Guide to Android Development.

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