Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1
Your Friends Seem Remote

Step #2: Create a Fresh Project.........................................................

First, we should create a separate project for the PostMonitor, to simulate it

being some third-party component and to force it to run in a separate

process as a separate user.

So, via android create project or Eclipse, create a TMonitor project peer of

Patchy, using the package apt.tutorial.three (so TMonitor and Patchy can

both be on the emulator at the same time).

Step #3: Move the Service to the New Project.................................

Now, let us move the PostMonitor code from Patchy into the new TMonitor


First, move Patchy/src/apt/tutorial/two/ to

TMonitor/src/apt/tutorial/three, replacing the automatically-generated Also, go in and fix up the package statement, reflecting

that the new PostMonitor is in apt.tutorial.three.

Then, since both Patchy and PostMonitor need the JTwitter JAR, copy that jar

from Patchy/libs/ to TMonitor/libs/.

Next, modify TMonitor/AndroidManifest.xml to get rid of the

element (since TMonitor has no activity) and replace it with the

element from Patchy/AndroidManifest.xml. While you have

Patchy/AndroidManifest.xml open, get rid of that element after you

have put it in the TMonitor/AndroidManifest.xml file.

Finally, since we removed the PostMonitor class from Patchy, we need to get

rid of the compiled edition of that class. If you are using Eclipse, force a

rebuild of your project; otherwise, get rid of Patchy/bin/, so on the next

recompile, it will not have any of the old code lying around.

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