Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1

  1. We add logic to the service to watch for posts from specific people

    • our "BFFs" – and display an icon in the status bar when we see
      such a post.

  2. We add a menu choice to allow the user to inject their current

location (latitude and longitude) into the status update they are


  1. We watch for locations embedded in posts – akin to those created

in Tutorial 21 – and, if the user clicks on a post in the timeline with
such a location, we display that location on a map.

  1. We add a "helpcast" video to our application, to demonstrate video

playback integration.

  1. We supplement the "helpcast" with a more traditional help page, in

HTML format, show in an embedded WebKit browser.

  1. We extend the help page to pull our screen name in for

customization, by building a bridge between the Javascript in the
Web page and the Android Java environment.

  1. We give the user a menu option to hide and show the widgets

associated with updating the status, then arrange to
animate hiding and showing those widgets.

  1. We replace the callback system used previously in our application

with one that uses broadcast Intent objects.

  1. We integrate our application into the contacts engine, so posts

from people who also our in our contacts database are highlighted.

  1. Back in Patchy, we start monitoring for when Android says the

battery level changes, so when it gets low enough, we scale back the
frequency of our polls for timeline updates.

  1. We have Patchy 's service monitor for timeline updates via a

scheduled "alarm" rather than via a background thread sleeping for

a certain amount of time.

  1. We tie LunchList's restaurant database into the Android search

framework, so you can find a restaurant by name.

  1. We create another project, one that will allow us to pick a contact

out of the contact database, then find out what activities can be

launched that know how to do something with that contact.

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