Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1
Contacting Our Friends

Then, we need to modify TimelineEntryWrapper so it looks at the isContact

property of TimelineEntry and sets the background accordingly, so change

populateFrom() in TimelineEntryWrapper to be:

void populateFrom(TimelineEntry s) {

if (s.isContact) {
else {

You might think that we only need to set the background when the friend is

a contact. However, since rows get recycled, if we do not reset the

background when the friend is not a contact, soon all our rows will be

highlighted, mostly in error.

Step #3: Find and Highlight Matching Contacts

Of course, our isContact property in TimelineEntry is always set to be false,

which is not terribly helpful. Instead, we need to do a lookup to see if a

friend is actually a contact, so we can set that flag appropriately. We do not

need any data about the contact – all we need to know is if there exists a

contact with the appropriate Twitter "organization" and screen name.

First, add the READ_CONTACTS permission to the AndroidManifest.xml file for

Patchy. Without this, we cannot find out if a friend is a contact.

Next, add a PROJECTION to Patchy:

private static final String[] PROJECTION=new String[] {

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