Searching For Food
String where=null;
if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(getIntent().getAction())) {
where="name LIKE \"%"+getIntent().getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY)+"%\"";
model=helper.getAll(where, prefs.getString("sort_order", "name"));
adapter=new RestaurantAdapter(model);
The ACTION_SEARCH Intent will be sent to our activity if the activity was
started as the result of a search request. Here, we are having the same
activity be the "normal" presentation and display search results – this
approach may or may not be appropriate for any given application. The
search is simply a WHERE clause, searching for the search term
(getIntent().getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY)) anywhere in the
restaurant's name.
You will need to add an import for
This also means we need to accept a possible WHERE clause in the getAll()
method of RestaurantHelper:
public Cursor getAll(String where, String orderBy) {
StringBuilder buf=new StringBuilder("SELECT _id, name, address, type, notes
FROM restaurants");
if (where!=null) {
buf.append(" WHERE ");
if (orderBy!=null) {
buf.append(" ORDER BY ");
return(getReadableDatabase().rawQuery(buf.toString(), null));