Splitting the Tab
Step #2: Wire In the Tabs....................................................................
Next, we need to modify the LunchList itself, so it is a TabActivity (rather
than a plain Activity) and teaches the TabHost how to use our FrameLayout
contents for the individual tab panes. To do this:
- Add imports to LunchList for android.app.TabActivity and
android.widget.TabHost - Make LunchList extend TabActivity
- Obtain 32px high icons from some source to use for the list and
details tab icons, place them in LunchList/res/drawable as list.png
and restaurant.png, respectively - Add the following code to the end of your onCreate() method:
TabHost.TabSpec spec=getTabHost().newTabSpec("tag1");
spec.setIndicator("List", getResources()
spec.setIndicator("Details", getResources()
getTabHost().setCurrentTab( 0 );
At this point, you can recompile and reinstall the application and try it out.
You should see a two-tab UI like this: