Menus and Messages
Figure 16. The LunchList option menu, displayed, with one menu choice
Step #4: Show the Notes as a Toast.....................................................
Finally, we need to get control when the user selects the Raise Toast menu
choice and display the notes in a Toast.
The problem is that, to do this, we need to know what restaurant to show.
So far, we have not been holding onto a specific restaurant except when we
needed it, such as when we populate the details form. Now, we need to
know our current restaurant, defined as the one visible in the detail
form...which could be none, if we have not yet saved anything in the form.
To make all of this work, do the following:
- Add another data member, restaurant current, to hold the current
restaurant. Be sure to initialize it to null. - In onSave and onListClick, rather than declaring local restaurant
variables, use current to hold the restaurant we are saving (in