The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

skillet if you’re cooking on the stovetop (do not use
nonstick—nonstick coatings will produce toxic
vapors when heated hot enough to sear a burger), or
a well-preheated grill with burners on full blast or a
massive amount of coals. If it looks like the burgers
are beginning to burn before the center reaches the
temperature you want, lower the heat or move the
burgers to a cooler part of the grill. (Or, better,
start them cool and finish hot.)
As for doneness in thick burgers, sure, you can be
all macho and try and gauge a burger’s doneness by
poking at it with your finger, or you can just use that
awesome instant-read thermometer you bought (see
Temperatures for burgers are exactly the same as
for steaks, though burgers cook significantly faster.
Here’s a rough guide:

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