I know, I know—not pretty.
- Commandment I: Perfect Crust? Check.
- Commandment II: No Gray Zone? Negative.
- Commandment III: Full-on Juiciness? Negative.
OK, so what if I went to the opposite extreme, cooking
the roast at a much lower temperature? I cooked another
roast in a 200°F oven until the center reached 125°F. Well,
just as with boiled eggs, the temperature at which you cook
is directly related to the difference in temperatures between
the center and the outside layers. In other words, by cooking
it at a lower temperature, you minimize the proportion of
beef that goes above the ideal final temperature. I was able
to eliminate the gray band of overcooked meat almost
completely. Of course, any browning was also right out the
window, leaving me with a roast with pale, anemic exterior.
Again, not pretty.