The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

STEP 12: READY TO ROAST When ready to go, preheat
the oven to 300°F, with a rack in the lower-middle position,
and remove the porchetta from the fridge. You can cook
both pieces side by side on a single rimmed baking sheet
with a wire rack set on top of it, or roast just one half in a
roasting pan and freeze the other half. Because of its high
fat content, porchetta freezes very well. Just be sure that it’s
wrapped airtight in foil and plastic or, better yet, vacuum-
sealed in a FoodSaver-type bag, to prevent freezer burn.

  • Or, more accurately, the technique that had been known to
    large swaths of the world for millennia, including China
    and Scandinavia, finally made inroads into North

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