The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

Along with its close cousin the onion, garlic is

among the most widely used fresh aromatic
ingredients in the world. There are only a few simple
dos and don’ts you need to remember to get the most
out of it.

Shopping and Storage

Garlic comes in a few different forms at the

  • Whole heads will give you the best flavor and
    maximum lifespan. Look for heads that are
    hard, firm, and heavy. If there is any give at
    all, that’s a good sign of spoilage underneath.
    Healthy garlic stored in a cool, dry place
    should last at least a month or two.

  • Pre-Peeled cloves are another good option,
    particularly if you go through garlic quickly
    and appreciate the grab-and-go convenience,
    like I do. Peeled cloves must be refrigerated,
    which, according to some reports, can reduce
    garlic’s aroma over time. I haven’t noticed
    this, though do note that refrigerated peeled
    cloves have about half the lifespan of whole
    heads, so don’t buy more than you need. I use
    peeled cloves because I’m as lazy as I can get

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