caused their bitterness to come out more strongly?
In any case, only when I got down to 2% ABV did
the sauce become bearable. I very slightly preferred
the 1% sauce over the completely alcohol-free one,
but just barely.
Cooking the sauce made a huge difference. After
the 7-minute simmer, even the 4% sauce was edible
though the bright sweetness of the tomatoes didn’t
really start showing until I got to the 2% sauce
(which, after simmering for a few minutes, must
have settled down to closer to 1% in the end). The
harsher flavors of the vodka had dissipated, the
bitterness was gone, and I was left with a nicely
balanced sauce that packed a little bit more heat and
bright aroma than the vodka-free sauce.
So, to answer the question: Yes! Vodka does alter
the flavor of the sauce in a pleasing way. It adds a
touch of heat and a bit of a sharp bite that help
balance the sweetness of the tomatoes and the
cream. Is it absolutely necessary? No, but vodka
sauce wouldn’t be, well, vodka sauce without it.