the point of making a perfectly balanced, well-
emulsified vinaigrette if its balance gets thrown off
by poor distribution?
To properly dress a salad, start with a really
large bowl—at least three times the volume of the
amount of salad you are planning on dressing. Add
the greens and less dressing than you think you need
(you can always add more), along with a tiny pinch
of salt and a few cracks of pepper (even salads
should be seasoned properly). Gently toss the salad
by scooping it up from underneath with your clean
hands (never use harsh tongs on delicate greens),
allowing the greens to both rub around the sides of
the bowl and cascade down on top of one another.
Once everything is thoroughly coated, taste the
salad and add more dressing, salt, and/or pepper if
necessary. Now that is what a salad is supposed to
taste like.