The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1
Setting your    mixing  bowl    on  top of  a   towel-lined pot will
stabilize it during heavy whisking.

When egg yolks, water, and oil are whisked together, the
fat-loving heads of the lecithin molecules bury themselves
in the minute droplets of fat, leaving only their tails
exposed. These tails repulse each other, preventing the fat
droplets from coalescing and suddenly making the water
seem much more attractive to them—a bit like adding a few
kegs of beer to that nerd fest to mix things up a little. To
make a traditional mayonnaise, egg yolks, water, salt, and a
few flavorings—usually Dijon mustard and lemon juice or
vinegar—are whisked together vigorously while the oil is
simultaneously slowly drizzled into the mixture (a food

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