The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1


The best egg salad starts with perfect hard boiled eggs,
with yolks that are just set, but not chalky or dry.
Luckily, we’ve got those eggs covered. The key is to start
them in boiling water, then quickly drop the temperature
down so that they cook gently and evenly through to the
core (see here). Once you’ve got those eggs, all it takes is
some mayo to bind them, along with celery, red onion,
parsley, and a hint of lemon juice to flavor them.
To chop the eggs, I tried several different methods,
including pressing them through a grater to get very fine
bits, pulsing them in the food processor, and mashing
them with a potato masher or a whisk. In the end, the
most primal method produced the best end results: wash
your hands well, then get right into that bowl, squishing
the eggs between your fingers to get a roughly textured

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