The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

of oil up to 375°F on your stovetop is a frightening
prospect. But what if I told you that despite the violent
bubbling, alchemic transformation, and incredible
deliciousness that results from a fry-job-done-well, frying is
actually a remarkably simple process and one of the easiest
techniques to perform in the kitchen, given a bit of know-

Crispy  Beer-Battered   Fried   Cod (here).

I mean, think about it: who does most of the deep-frying
in this country? The least-trained kitchen workers, that’s
who. Why do you think the fry station is the very first place
that most beginning restaurant cooks are assigned to? All
those faultlessly fried clams you get from roadside shacks in
New England in the summer—guess who’s cooking them?
Hint: it’s not a four-star chef. Most likely it a high school kid
trying to make a few bucks over summer vacation. And if

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