The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1
technique   more    economical. The edges   of  a   Dutch
oven can harbor burnt bread crumbs, little bits of
French fries, and other such baddies. In a wok,
there’s no place to hide. Food particles left in hot
oil are the main reason the oil breaks down and
becomes unusable. Oil that’s carefully cleaned as
you cook should last for at least a dozen frying
sessions, if not more.



No matter what cooking vessel you choose, here are ten tips
to ensure that your frying will be successful:

Use a Thermometer
There is no other way to ensure that your oil is at the right
temperature. Depending on what you’re cooking, you’ll
want to use different oil temperatures. For example, French
fries fried at 300°F will never crisp up, and chicken fried at
425°F will burn on the exterior before it’s cooked through.
A thermometer is the only way to guarantee that you’re
cooking things right. You can get a dedicated deep-frying
thermometer, but if you already own a Thermapen (and you
should!), it’ll do the job even better.

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