The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

to an organization that collects spent oil to be used as fuel
for specially adapted cars (in Boston, we used to call them
McNugget mobiles, because the exhaust smells like a fast
food kitchen). Unfortunately, these aren’t that easy to come
by. The easiest way for the home cook to discard used oil is
to save its original container, funnel the cooled used oil
back into it, screw on the cap, and dispose of it with the
solid garbage.



Here’s a quick-and-dirty guide to maximizing the

lifespan    of  your    oil.

  • Watch the temperature. Don’t let oil get past its
    smoke point, where rapid breakdown will occur.

  • Remove excess batter and breading meticulously
    during and after frying. Small particles of batter,
    bread crumbs, and, especially, flour can collect in
    the bottom of your cooking vessel, causing the oil
    to break down.

  • Carefully remove debris after frying. Use a fine-
    mesh strainer to fish out any debris from your oil
    while it is still hot. For maximum effectiveness,
    strain the oil through a fine-mesh strainer lined

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