The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1
end  of  this    stage,  when    the     potatoes    have    been    boiled
once and fried three times, they can be stored at room
temperature for up to 4 hours or, for best results, frozen
in a single layer at least overnight. (Then, for longer
storage, transfer to a zipper-lock freezer bag.)

  1.  Return  the oil to  400°F   over    high    heat.   Fry half    of  the

    potatoes until crisp and light golden brown, about 3½
    minutes, adjusting the heat as necessary to maintain the
    oil at around 360°F. Transfer the potatoes to a bowl lined
    with paper towels to drain and immediately season with
    salt. The cooked fries can be kept hot and crisp on a wire
    rack set on a baking sheet in a 200°F oven while you
    cook the second batch. Serve immediately.

Each    successive  frying  session delivers    crisper French  fries.



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