Cooler-Cooked Olive Oil–Poached Salmon, 399
Cooler-Cooked Rib-Eye Steaks with Shallots, Garlic, and
Thyme, 394
flavoring meat during, 392
grilling meat after, 390–91
prime rib, note about, 629–30
resting meat after, 391
searing meat after, 390–91
Sous-Vide Cheeseburgers, 401
torching meat after, 390, 390–91
vacuum-sealing food for, 386, 386
water circulators for, 385
Soybean oil, smoke point of, 861
Soy sauce
flavoring Bolognese with, 727
flavoring chili with, 257, 264
flavoring meat loaf with, 530
glutamates in, 246
Spatchcocking cooking method, 581, 581–83
offset, 69–70
slotted flexible metal, 67
stiff, 68–69
flavoring cranberry sauce with, 624
flavoring roast chicken with, 588
flavoring soups with, 202
storing, 80
whole, toasting before grinding, 258
whole versus ground, for chili, 257–58