1642 G. TORRIANO Select Italian Proverbs 90 Sacco vuoto non può star in piedi.
An emptie sack cannot stand upright: nota, Applied to such as either pinch themselves, or
are pincht by hard fortune. 1758 B. FRANKLIN Poor Richard’s Almanack (Introduction)
Poverty often deprives a Man of all Spirit and Virtue; ‘Tis hard for an empty Bag to stand
up-right. 1860 G. ELIOT Mill on Floss I. I. viii. There’s folks as things ‘ull allays go
awk’ard with: empty sacks ‘ull never stand upright. 1958 B. BEHAN Borstal Boy III. 310
We’ve a long night before us and an empty sack won’t stand. 1978 J. MCGAHERN
Getting Through 99 ‘Give this man something.’.. ‘A cup of tea will do fine,’ he had
protested. ..’Nonsense. ..Empty bags can’t stand.’ hunger; poverty
EMPTY vessels make the most sound
Foolish or witless persons are the most talkative or noisy. Vessel here means a receptacle,
as a drinking-vessel.
a 1430 J. LYDGATE Pilgrimage of Man (EETS) 1. 15933 A voyde vessel.. maketh
outward a gret soun, Mor than.. what yt was ful. 1547 W. BALDWIN Treatise of Moral
Philosophy IV. Q4 As emptye vesselles make the lowdest sounde: so they that haue least
wyt, are the greatest babblers. 1599 SHAKESPEARE Henry V IV. iv. 64 I did never know
so full a voice issue from so empty a heart: but the saying is true—The empty vessel
makes the greatest sound. 1707 SWIFT Essay on Faculties of Mind I. 249 Empty Vessels
sound loudest. 1967 RIDOUT & WITTING English Proverbs Explained 51 Empty vessels
make the most sound. 1982 J. BINGHAM Brock & Defector xiii. ‘All talk and no action.
.. ‘ ’Empty vessels make the most noise,’ Brock agreed. 2002 Times: Register 21 Oct. 10
The adage ’empty vessels make most noise’ has certainly come to mind as I have listened
to many other politicians. boasting; words and deeds
empty see also BETTER are small fish than an empty dish; don’t THROW the baby out
with the bathwater.
enchantment see DISTANCE lends enchantment to the view.
The END crowns the work
Cf. L. finis coronat opus, the end crowns the work; 15th-cent. Fr. la fin loe l’œuvre, the end
praises the work.
1509 H. WATSON Ship of Fools Dd1 For the ende crowneth. 1592 G. DELAMOTHE
French Alphabet II. 29 The end doth crowne the worke. .. La fin couronne l’œuvre. 1602