A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
Mourning xv. ‘The deceased was of—er—a forceful personality. Not over-sensitive,
either, from all accounts.’ ‘Ah, I see. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread’. fools;

foot see it is not SPRING until you can plant your foot upon twelve daisies; one WHITE
foot, buy him; also FEET.

forbear see BEAR and forbear.

foretold see LONG foretold, long last.

FOREWARNED is forearmed

Cf. L. praemonitus, praemunitus, forewarned, forearmed.

c 1425 J. ARDERNE Treatises of Fistula (EETS) 22 He that is warned afore is noght
bygiled. c 1530 J. REDFORD Wit & Science 1. 1093 Once warnd, half armd folk say.
1587 R. GREENE Card of Fancy IV. 23 I giue thee this Ring of golde, wherin is written..
Praemonitus, Premunitus..inferring this sense, that hee which is forewarned by friendlie
counsoule of imminent daungers, is fore-armed against all future mishappe. a 1661 T.
FULLER Worthies (Devon) 272 Let all ships passing thereby be fore-armed because
forewarned thereof. 1885 ‘LE JEMLYS’ Shadowed to Europe xxv. ‘Forewarned is
forearmed,’ he thought, as he complimented himself upon his success in baffling the
attempt to ensnare him. 2002 Washington Times 30 June B4 Forewarned is forearmed.
Before the chemical disaster at Union Carbide’s facility in Bhopal, India, the public was
told an accident that has now claimed 20,000 lives could never happen. foresight and
hindsight; prudence

forget see a BELLOWING cow soon forgets her calf; feed a DOG for three days and he
will remember your kindness for three years...

forgive see to ERR is human (to forgive divine); to KNOW all is to forgive all. fork see
FINGERS were made before forks.

FORTUNE favours fools

Cf. L. fortuna favet fatuis, fortune favours fools.
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