Observation by two people is better than by one alone. TWO heads are better than one
expresses a similar idea. L. plus vident oculi, quam oculus, eyes see more than one eye.
1591 A. COLYNET True Hist. Civil Wars France 37 Two eyes doo see more then
one. 1592 G. DELAMOTHE French Alphabet II. 45 Foure eyes can see more then two.
1642 T. FULLER Holy State IV. v. Matters of inferiour consequence he will
communicate to a fast friend, and crave his advice; for two eyes see more than one. 1898
F. M. MULLER Auld Lang Syne 80 But who has ever examined any translation from any
language, without finding signs of.. carelessness or ignorance? Four eyes see more than
two. 1962 H. REILLY Day She Died vii. What he wanted was a look at the cars the
variegated crowd of people had arrived in. Four eyes were better than two. assistance;
four see also there goes more to MARRIAGE than four bare legs in a bed.
There’s no such thing as a FREE lunch
Originally a colloquial axiom in US economics, though now in general use. The proverb
implies that you cannot get something for nothing.
1967 R. A. HEINLEIN Moon is Harsh Mistress xi. ‘Oh, “tanstaafl.” Means “There
ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” And isn’t,’ I added, pointing to a FREE LUNCH sign
across the room, ‘or these drinks would cost half as much.’ 1969 Newsweek 29 Dec. 52 I
was taught.. the first and only law of economics: ‘There is no such thing as a free lunch.”
1971 New Yorker 25 Sept. 76 There is no such thing as a free lunch. .. The idea has proved
so illuminating for environmental problems that I am borrowing it from its original
source, economics. 1979 L. ST. CLAIR Obsessions xi. There’s no such thing as a free
lunch. So, in return for your help, what do you ask? 2001 Spectator 29 Dec. 26 I believe
that the old saying ‘There is no such thing as a free lunch’ applies here. Pornography and
permissiveness will have a price. bribery and corruption; reciprocity
free see also the BEST things in life are free; THOUGHT is free.
freit (omen): see he that FOLLOWS freits, freits will follow him.
Frenchman see one ENGLISHMAN can beat three Frenchmen.