gain see (noun) one man’s LOSS is another man’s gain; there’s no great LOSS without
some gain; NO pain, no gain; (verb) what you LOSE on the swings you gain on the
roundabouts; NOTHING venture, nothing gain.
gallows see the SEA refuses no river.
game see LOOKERS-ON see most of the game.
gamekeeper see an old POACHER makes the best gamekeeper.
gander see what is SAUCE for the goose is sauce for the gander.
GARBAGE in, garbage out
Garbage is a colloquial term in data processing for ‘incorrect input’ which will, according
to the proverb, inevitably produce faulty output. The acronymic form GIGO is also found.
1964 CIS Glossary of Automated Typesetting & Related Computer Terms
(Composition Information Services, LA.) 15 The relationship between input and output is
sometimes—when input is incorrect—tersely noted by the expression ‘garbage in,
garbage out’. 1966 E. J. & J. A. MCCARTHY Integrated Data Processing Systems v.
Many data processing departments put their best operators on verifiers because they wish
to avoid the effect of the GIGO principle (Garbage In—Garbage Out). 1987 Washington
Times 10 Sept. F4 The computer rule, ‘garbage in, garbage out’ applies to the human
mind just as much as it does to the computer. 1996 Washington Times 26 Feb. A19 This
brings into play the old computer-industry dictum: Garbage In, Garbage Out. action and
consequence; error
garment see SILENCE is a woman’s best garment.
gate see a CREAKING door hangs longest; one man may STEAL a horse, while another
may not look over a hedge.