A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

gather see he who PLANTS thorns should not expect to gather roses; a ROLLING stone
gathers no moss.

gathered see where the CARCASE is, there shall the eagles be gathered together.

geese see on SAINT Thomas the Divine kill all turkeys, geese, and swine.

generation see from CLOGS to clogs is only three generations; from SHIRTSLEEVES to
shirtsleeves in three generations.

It takes three GENERATIONS to make a gentleman

Although apparently not expressed in this form before quot. 1823, the three-generation
concept was current in the Renaissance period: e.g. 1598 J. KEPERS tr. A. Romei’s Courtier’s
Academy 187 He may bee called absolutely noble, who shall have lost the memory of his
ignobilitie.. during the reuolution of three generations; 1625 F. MARKHAM Five Decades of
Honour ii. Three perfit descents, do euer so conclude a perfit Gentleman of Blood.

1823 J. F. COOPER Pioneers I. xviii. You will find it no easy matter to make a
gentleman of him. The old proverb says, that ‘it takes three generations to make a
gentleman’. 1915 W. S. MAUGHAM Of Human Bondage xxvii. He remembered his
uncle’s saying that it took three generations to make a gentleman: it was a companion
proverb to the silk purse and the sow’s ear. 1940 ‘M. INNES’ Comedy of Terrors i. It has
always been possible to make a gentleman in three generations; nowadays.. the thing is
done in two. family; gentry

generous see be JUST before you’re generous.

GENIUS is an infinite capacity for taking pains

Cf. 1858 CARLYLE Frederick the Great I. IV. iii. ‘Genius’.. means transcendent capacity
of taking trouble, first of all.

1870 J. E. HOPKINS Work amongst Working Men iv. Gift, like genius, I often think,
only means an infinite capacity for taking pains. 1959 M. BRADBURY Eating People is
Wrong iv. Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains. But we should still foster it,
however much of an embarrassment it may be to us. 1974 T. SHARPE Porterhouse Blue
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