A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
c 1390 CHAUCER Canon’s Yeoman’s Prologue 1. 688 For Catoun [Dionysius Cato]
seith that he that gilty is Demeth alle thyng be spoke of him. 1597 Politeu-phuia 10 V A
Guilty conscience is a worme that bites and neuer ceaseth. .. A guiltie conscience is neuer
without feare. 1721 J. KELLY Scottish Proverbs 9 A guilty Conscience self accuses. A
Man that has done ill.. shews his Guilt. 1744 Life & Adventures Matthew Bishop viii. It is
an old saying, a guilty conscience needs no accuser. 1881 D. C. MURRAY Joseph’s Coat
I. viii. ‘Where are you off to?’ asked George with a great effort. .. A guilty conscience
needs no accuser. 1952 Ellery Queen’s Mystery Mag. Apr. 25 ‘Why should I think that?’ I
said, groping for his identity. ‘Because you were thinking about me.’ Then I knew he was
speaking of Hinck-man’s murder and must be the murderer—’a guilty conscience needs
no accuser.’ conscience; wrong-doers

gunner see the COBBLER to his last and the gunner to his linstock.

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