1721 J. KELLY Scottish Proverbs 118 Give your own Sea Maws [gulls] your own
Fish Guts. If you have any Superfluities give them to your poor Relations, Friends, or
Countrymen, rather than to others. 1816 SCOTT Antiquary I. xv. Ye ken my gude-man
likes to ride the expresses himsel—we maun gie our ain fish-guts to our ain sea-maws.
1952 ‘P. PIPER’ Death in Canongate (1954) viii. ‘Oh! it makes me a bit sick when you
can be so liberal with anyone—’ ‘And not with you. That’s what you are trying to say,
isn’t it?’ ‘I suppose so,’ he said, and quoted lugubriously, ‘“Keep your ain fish guts for
your ain sea maws.”’ charity; family
KEEP your shop and your shop will keep you
Parodied by the American actress Mae West (1892–1980) in the 1937 movie Every Day’s a
Holiday: I always say, keep a diary and some day it’ll keep you.
1605 G. CHAPMAN et al. Eastward Ho A2V I.. garnished my shop.. with good
wholsome thriftie sentences; As, ‘Touchstone, keepe thy shopp, and thy shoppe will
keepe thee.’ 1712 ADDISON Spectator 14 Oct. Sir William Turner.. would say, Keep
your Shop and your Shop will keep you. 1905 H. G. WELLS Kipps III. iii. A little bell
jangled. ‘Shop!’ said Kipps. ‘That’s right. Keep a shop and the shop’ll keep you.’ 1943 S.
V. BENET Western Star I. 20 I keep my shop but my shop doth not keep me. Shall I give
such chances [of making a fortune] the go-by and walk the roads? 1976 H. KEMELMAN
Wednesday Rabbi got Wet vii. ‘When I was home, Dad cared a lot more about the store
than he did about me,’ he said bitterly. She nodded. ..’That’s because a store, if you take
care of it, it takes care of you. Your father lives from that store, and your grandfather
before him.’ efficiency and inefficiency; money
keep see also a man is known by the COMPANY he keeps; EXPERIENCE keeps a dear
school; THREE may keep a secret, if two of them are dead; put your TRUST in God, and keep
your powder dry.
keeper see FINDERS keepers (losers weepers).
keeping see FINDING’S keepings.
key see a GOLDEN key can open any door.
kick see CORPORATIONS have neither bodies to be punished nor souls to be damned.