kid see the BLEATING of the kid excites the tiger.
kill see it is the PACE that kills; it is not WORK that kills, but worry.
killed see CARE killed the cat; CURIOSITY killed the cat.
KILLING no murder
Quot. 1657 is the title of a pamphlet asserting that the assassination of Cromwell, the
Protector, would be lawful and laudable.
1657 SEXBY & TITUS (title) Killing noe murder. 1800 M. EDGEWORTH Castle
Rackrent p. xliv. In Ireland, not only cowards, but the brave ‘die many times before their
death’. There killing is no murder. 1908 Times Literary Supplement 4 June 179 The
exception is the share which he took in the conspiracy of Orsini against Napoleon III... It
was probably a case to which Holyoake would have applied the doctrine of ‘killing no
murder’. 1961 C. COCKBURN View from West vi. The British.. made, in England,
propaganda out of the phrase—attributed to the Irish—’killing no murder’, they were not
foolish enough to take their own propaganda seriously. violence
killing see also there are more WAYS of killing a cat than choking it with cream; there are
more WAYS of killing a dog than choking it with butter; there are more WAYS of killing a
dog than hanging it.
kind see BETTER a good cow than a cow of a good kind.
kindness see feed a DOG for three days and he will remember your kindness for three
years.. ; with a SWEET tongue and kindness, you can drag an elephant by a hair.
The KING can do no wrong
Altered to queen when appropriate. Cf. the legal maxim: rex non potest peccare, the king
can do no wrong; also c 1538 T. STARKEY England in Reign of King Henry VIII (EETS) I. iv.
Wyl you make a kyng to have no more powar then one of hys lordys? Hyt ys commynly sayd..
a kyng ys aboue hys lawys.
a 1654 J. SELDEN Table-Talk (1689) 27 The King can do no wrong, that is no