lead see when the BLIND lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch; CROSSES are
ladders that lead to heaven; all ROADS lead to Rome.
leak see LITTLE leaks sink the ship.
lean see the FAT man knoweth not what the lean thinketh.
leap see LOOK before you leap.
learn see LIVE and learn; it is NEVER too late to learn; NEVER too old to learn; we must
learn to WALK before we can run; don’t go near the WATER until you learn how to swim.
LEARNING is better than house and land
Similar in sentiment to when HOUSE and land are gone and spent, then learning is most
1773 D. GARRICK in Goldsmith She stoops to Conquer A3V When ign’rance enters,
folly is at hand; Learning is better far than house and land. 1800 M. EDGEWORTH
Castle Rackrent 191.. thanked my stars I was not born a gentleman to so much toil and
trouble—but Sir Murtagh took me up short with his old proverb, ‘learning is better than
house or land.’ 1859 J. R. PLANCHÉ Love & Fortune 8 ‘Learning is better than house
and land.’ A fact that I never could understand. 1939 Daily Mail (Hagerstown, Maryland)
16 Mar. 19 (advertisement) Learning is better than house and land. And learning about
the offers among the Classified Ads will show you where to save money in buying house
and land. learning; property
learning see also when HOUSE and land are gone and spent, then learning is most
excellent; a LITTLE knowledge is a dangerous thing; there is no ROYAL road to learning.
LEAST said, soonest mended
c 1460 in W. C. Hazlitt Remains of Early Popular Poetry (1864) III. 169 Who sayth
lytell he is wyse..And fewe wordes are soone amend. 1555 J. HEYWOOD Two Hundred
Epigrams no. 169 Lyttle sayde, soone amended. a 1641 D. FERGUSSON Scottish