A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
who’s smooth to thee. 1812 E. NARES I’ll consider of It iii. ‘Love’ says the proverb,
‘produces love.’ 1909 A. MACLAREN Epistle to Ephesians 275 Love begets love, and.. if
a man loves God, then that glowing beam will glow whether it is turned to earth or turned
to heaven. 1958 R. FENISONG Death of Party vi. The cliché that ‘love breeds love’ was a
blatant lie. love; reciprocity

LOVE is blind

Cf. THEOCRITUS Idyll x. 19 love is blind; PLAUTUS Miles Gloriosus

  1. 1259 caeca amore est, she is blinded by love.

c 1390 CHAUCER Merchant’s Tale 1.1598 For love is blynd alday, and may nat see.
1591 SHAKESPEARE Two Gentlemen of Verona II. i. 61 If you love her you cannot see
her.—Why?—Because Love is blind. 1978 A. MALING Lucky Devil xii. ‘How did you
ever come to marry an idiot like Irving?’.. ‘Love is blind.’ 2002 Spectator 25 May 70
And, if love is blind, how come lingerie is so popular? love

LOVE laughs at locksmiths,

A more graphic expression of the sentiment in LOVE will find a way. Cf. 1592–3
SHAKESPEARE Venus & Adonis 1. 576 Were beauty under twenty locks kept fast, Yet love
breaks through and picks them all at last.

1803 G. COLMAN (title) Love laughs at locksmiths: an operatic farce. 1901 F. R.
STURGIS Sexual Debility in Man ix. Love is said to laugh at locksmiths, and incidentally
at parental authority, and this young man was no exception. 1922 ‘D. YATES’ Jonah &
Co iv. And now push off and lock the vehicle. I know Love laughs at locksmiths, but the
average motor-thief’s sense of humour is less susceptible. 1998 ‘C. AIRD’ Stiff News
(2000) xv. 156 [A]ll the medicines at the Manor would be kept together in one place.
Under lock and key, no doubt, but every policeman learned early that love wasn’t the only
thing that laughed at locksmiths. Murderers did, too. love

LOVE makes the world go round

Cf. Fr. c’est l’amour, l’amour, l’amour, Qui fait le monde A la ronde (Dumerson & Ségur
Chansons Nationales & Populaires de France, 1851, II. 180) it is love, love, love, that makes
the world go round.

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